• 东华大学终身教育研究所
  • [会议]11th Annual Sloan Consortium Blended Learning Conference and Workshop
  • 2014-05-21
    主办机构:Sloan Consortium
    This year’s conference theme is Blended Learning: Pathways to Student Success. The theme emphasizes the centrality of the learner in our blended learning designs. The primary reasons why there is a significant trend towards blended learning across the globe is because of its potential to increase learning effectiveness and flexibility for the learner.
    There are many successful pathways to blended learning that institutions and instructors have explored. We hope you will come and share your knowledge and experience with us as well as network with other experts and novices who are venturing into world of blended learning.
    The conference is organized into two days, with the first day starting with an array of interactive workshops, followed by an afternoon of information sessions, vendor showcases, and poster sessions, and highlighted by our keynote presentation on analytics for student success. The final day of the conference will include an expert plenary presentation followed by information sessions and finish up with a half day of "Unconference" sessions that feature more informal open-ended, participant-driven discussion and networking around important blended learning issues.